Gin Login

Module Drupal Illustration Voir sur
Nb téléchargements : 15285


  • Code
  • Documentation
  • Miscellaneous
  • User interface



permet d'avoir un theming pour le login / création de user pour le thème Gin


Status : Published
Projects : Modules
Maintenance status : Actively maintained
Development status : Under active development
Supported Branches : 2.0., 2.1.
shield Stable releases for this project are covered by the security advisory policy.


Gin Content ViewGin Content View

A nice login screen

This module provides a nice login screen based on either Claro or Gin.

  • User Login
  • User Register
  • User Forgot Password

Headless ready

If you're using Drupal as a headless content system, then you can set up the Front page of Drupal that it always shows you the Login screen (if not logged in) or the Content Overview if you're logged in.

Just set in /admin/config/system/site-information the default front page to /user/login?destination=/admin/content

Related modules

You might want to install the Gin Admin Theme 3.x for Darkmode, Accent color settings and more.

We're actively looking for new sponsors! Until we found new project sponsors issues take longer to solve as we have less resources. Also all feature requests are on hold for the time being.

This theme is being developed in spare time. While the goal is not to make money from it, it does help to take days off from work to focus on working on it. You can sponsor starting at $1. Thanks to all sponsors who support this project financially 🙏.

Github Sponsors Open Collective

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